ABDS Birthday Group Cruises

Our Final Alchemy Bar Drinking Society Group Birthday Cruise!

Ahoy, fellow ABDS members and seekers of adventure!

This will be our last official ABDS Birthday Cruise! Moving forward we will be having ABDS Reunion Cruises.

Picture this: a gathering of kindred spirits, navigating the open seas, guided by the North Star of good company and great libations.

We'll have lots of giveaways, special events and group excursions and some additional surprises. BUT, you must book within the group to receive all the goodies!

To book with our official ABDS Travel Agent, Christie Wagner, please private message her on Facebook Messenger, or send her an email at cwagner1111@aol.com. When contacting Christie, indicate which sailing you want, if not both, and please include legal first & last names, birthdates, vifp numbers, email, cell, home address, cabin style, dining time/YTD, pay gratuity and/or insurance, and state that it’s for the ABDS Birthday Cruise!